Support for First Responders

Support for First Responders

How Are Your Paramedics and Firefighters Faring?

I know you care about your First Responders. I imagine you offer support services to help them manage their incredibly challenging profession. But you wonder; is there more that can be done?

Yes! There is another way to provide wellness support, a proactive approach to well-being that offers such strong pre-crisis support that it significantly reduces the need for post-crisis interventions.

This is What Our First Responders Community Building Program Does

Based on our experience and the success of the many programs we’ve delivered, we have created a unique and comprehensive program that offers crucial pre-crisis support to First Responders. 

Our fresh and innovative program creates a safe and inclusive space for members to connect and share experiences, fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie, and reduces feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Important Distinction: We’re not talking about team building. Community Building differs from team building in four key ways.

How Does Building a Community Create a Support Group?

Building authentic community is a proactive approach to improving relationships, group functioning, and cohesion, which serves as a buffer against the challenges of this stressful occupation.

The value of authentic human connection, of community – so little appreciated until now – is paramount to our well-being and mental health. One of the recommendations of the Canadian Mental Health Association to bolster mental resilience in First Responders is:

“Establishing a support network: foster connections with peers and loved ones who comprehend the unique demands of first responder roles. A robust support system can offer solace and practical guidance during challenging periods.”

This is precisely what our program will do.

Do We Need This Program if We Have Peer Support and Employee Assistance Programs?

Yes. While Peer Support and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are invaluable resources, they typically engage post-crisis and focus on individual support. Our program harnesses the collective power of group dynamics to provide pre-crisis support.

The authentic relationships formed in a community ensure First Responders are in daily contact with a support team they feel comfortable with; their colleagues. This is peer support on a whole new level.

The First Responders Community Building Program

This Program has 5 objectives:

  1. Establish a Strong and Supportive Community: Grow authentic relationships among colleagues, and improving group functioning and cohesion will develop resilience and support mental health to create a buffer against the rigors of this stressful occupation.
  2. Cultivate Cultural Alignment: Integrate elements that reinforce mission, values, goals, and visions, participants are guided to align personally and within their organizational/community contexts, fostering a deeper sense of purpose and belonging.
  3. Develop Soft Skills: Nurture proficiency in communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving, all hallmarks of a thriving community.
  4. Promote Community Consciousness: Instil a sense of community consciousness among First Responders can significantly enhance their interactions with those they serve, fostering greater empathy and responsiveness. Community consciousness: we are all in this together.
  5. Create Community Leaders: Train participants to lead and sustain authentic communities, extending the program’s impact beyond its initial implementation.

Program Structure

  1. Immersive Introduction: a 1-hour, live Zoom session to familiarize participants with community-building principles and to begin building an authentic community together.
  2. Deep Dive Sessions: twelve 90-minute, live Zoom sessions spaced two weeks apart to delve more deeply into the subject matter and continue the community-building process.

Note: We also offer this Program as an Intensive two-day Workshop. We can accommodate you if this seems too intense by breaking it up into 3 or 4 sessions. We can talk about it when we meet. 

The Program Also Provides:

  1. Tools and Frameworks to facilitate the continuation of regular gatherings and onboarding when new members join the organization.
  2. Ongoing Support for one year following the conclusion of the program.
  3. A Community Leadership Certificate awarded by Kalliergo Community Building for robust participation.

This is a one-and-done Program. It does not need to be repeated annually, as participants will acquire the necessary tools, frameworks, knowledge, and experience to independently build, guide, and sustain communities within your organization.

How Does this Work for a Large Organization?

Detailing everything here would make this page too long – and it’s already long enough! Contact me to schedule a Zoom meeting where I can lay it all out for you, share an overview of the program, and answer your other questions.

How Does this Work – at All?!

Until you’ve experienced a Kalliergo Community Building Program, it’s nearly impossible to grasp how it can – and does – transform a group. I can guarantee that you’ve never experienced anything like this Program before. 100% of the groups we’ve worked with have recognized a profound difference in their group dynamics by the end of the Program.

Program Evaluation

All Kalliergo programs incorporate participant self-evaluation through pre- and post-program surveys. This evaluative approach allows us to gauge the program’s efficacy.

Participate in Our Pilot Study 

As part of our Pilot study, we are offering the entire program free of charge to the first few qualifying organizations that join. There is no obligation or commitment – no strings attached. We are doing this to demonstrate the program’s power in creating a robust support group for First Responders.

Participant Feedback Focuses on:

  1. Increased sense of community.
  2. Willingness to seek professional support when it is needed.
  3. Enhanced ability to identify and support peers in distress.
  4. Greater job satisfaction.

Feedback From Kalliergo Program Participants

Kalliergo Community Building Programs have demonstrated effectiveness among diverse groups, spanning students in different educational environments, municipal leaders, small non-profits, and national corporations. Here is just some participant feedback:

“Six weeks ago, had you asked me to define community, I would have given you the definition of a group. Not only do I have a greater understanding of the scope and the complexities of a true community, I am equipped with practical tools to go out into the world and build meaningful and authentic communities with those around me.”  Teri McMackin, Councillor, Village of Petitcodiac

“In the end, I left feeling like we had developed a good group of solid community members which we can now rely upon whenever needed. I would recommend this process to anyone looking to understand the real benefits of true community building and Lori is certainly the right person to make it happen.”  Aimee Chapman, Claims Supervisor, The Co-operators

See more feedback here.

Let’s Talk!

There is so much more to this Program than can be covered by a web page. If you’re interested in delving deeper, let’s connect over Zoom and talk about it. Contact me today to schedule a meeting.

When First Responders engage in community building, it is a game changer. Watch the video below to see why.

Photo by Jonnica Hill on Unsplash